Saturday 7 July 2007

Welcome home party and charity auction

Sam's welcome home party will be in the Fishmongers Arms, Winchmore Hill Rd, Southgate on Sat 7th July 2007 starting at 17:30. There will be some food laid on, lots of beer and a charity auction. Detailed below are the items up for auction. (Postcode is N14 6AD for Sat Nav junkies)

See you there.

1. 2 return tickets to New York on the business class only Silverjet service (
2. A bay for 6 people for 3 hours at City Golf virtual golf simulator, ( play any course in the world without even having to walk to your ball, or the bar)
3. A signed Spurs football (signed by the Spurs legends)
4. Newcastle Falcons – signed rugby boots donated and signed by Matt Burke (Falcons and Australia – World cup winning Fullback)
5. Leicester Tigers – signed rugby ball – notable signatures: Martin Johnson, Neil Back (World cup winners)
6. Harlequins – Squad signed rugby ball and shirt
7. Northampton Saints – 2 pre-season match tickets
8. London Irish – signed Southgate rugby ball – notable signatures: Shane Geraghty (Irish and England fly half)
9. London Irish – 2 tickets to first home match of the season
10. Saracens – limited edition 2005 season signed poster – notable signatures: Kyran Bracken (Saracens and England Scrum Half)
11. One year’s free Gym membership
12. Southgate rugby shirt signed by Trevor Liota (Wasps and Western Samoa hooker)

Wednesday 4 July 2007

Day 19

Today Sam woke up, he showered, he packed his bag, he put his wet weather gear on, he slipped his aching feet into his walking boots, and then stopped as he realised that he didn’t have to walk anywhere, and he very quickly got changed so as not to be late for work.

Today Sam didn’t walk, today he sat down, and today he was normal. All through the morning at work he found his thoughts wandering back to the previous 3 weeks and life on the open road, our littlest hobo, day dreaming about the mile after mile he marched, the sights he had seen, the places he had been, the people he had met (even the ones who chased him). Frustrated with the feelings of being tied down and restricted, as if he had no direction, no place to go, Sam picked himself up and took himself for a brisk walk up to the shop for a Kit Kat Chunky.

Only now is the enormity of his achievement beginning to sink in for our celebrated traveller, but as he sat at his desk in the afternoon, he began to feel the urge. To steal a quote from a book that Sam has been reading on his travels, aptly, Around Ireland with a fridge by Tony Hawks, Sam felt that he might be suffering from G.T.D.S.A.B.S syndrome, in other words, he started thinking about Going To Do Something A Bit Silly, again….who knows where this could takes us all.

Tuesday 3 July 2007

Day 18

He is finished!!!!

Today Sam walked from the City to Southgate, and finished his marathon walk in the Stands of Southgate RFC, at Bramley Road.

Heading out of the city and marching up City road, Sam was joined by his friend Josh for the final days walking. The pair made good time as they quickly past through a number of areas in north London that are dear to Sam. Before they knew it they had past Highbury and Islington, Finsbury Park, and were standing outside of White Hart Lane, gazing at the home of Tottenham Hotspur, the football club that he has followed since he was a small boy (he did note how much smaller the stadium was than St. James Park all the way back in Newcastle on his first day!), but it was still a welcome sight. Moving on Sam was heard to say “Josh you’re slowing me down”, and Josh was heard to say back “you promised me a piggy back”, it was becoming clear that Sam had become accustomed to his own company, as the pair bickered their way towards the North Circular road, and up to Southgate tube station where he started his last mile to the rugby club.

As the intrepid pair sat in the stands and Sam began basking in the glory of his accomplishment (and tucking in to his last Kit Kat Chunky), their thoughts wandered to what next? Lands End to John O’Groats? Cycle round Ireland? Trek the Himalayas, climb K2, or walk to the Queens for a pint. The later won.

Congratulations Sam, a monstrous effort and a phenomenal achievement.

Monday 2 July 2007

Day 17

From Tyne to Thames, from Newcastle to London, after 16 Days, 3 hours and 48 minutes and over 300 miles, Sam made it to the centre of Tower bridge (it’s ok, it was down)!

Having had the weekend off back in his home town, Sam had been feeling quite elated, so much so in fact that on Saturday night he foolishly agreed with a group of girls, to a full body wax if they could raise £500, I for one feel that this should be very easy for the group to achieve. The bigger question is what they are going to do with all the hair? It should also be noted that this waxing is from the neck down, as we are going to be taking bids for people to shave Sam (Forest Gump) on Saturday night at his party.

After the weekend off, and in the knowledge that this was now is final week, Sam started day 17 from Richmond where he left off on Friday. Feeling very positive after such a great end to last week with the boys at London Irish and Harlequins, Sam pressed on along the Richmond Road and down to Putney and the banks of the river Thames with the end well and truly in sight.

From Putney he picked up the river and decided to stroll aimlessly along its banks into the city and to the famous landmark that is Tower Bridge. At this point I would like to mention that Sam has been very keen to know the exact mileage of his travels, and so far it has been easy to track as he meandered along A and B roads (with a little jog down the motorway every now and again), however, I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate Sam for mucking it all up and making it incredibly difficult to calculate the latest part of his journey as he walked the footpaths along the riverbank. Thanks Sam!

Still, he arrived at Tower Bridge and with a great big smile on his face and a Kit Kat Chunky in his hand; he breathed a sigh of relief. This has been quite a journey for Sam (understatement I know), and the eminence realisation of what he has actually done became clear to him as he stood on the bridge and gazed at the city of London. I think we can all agree that what Sam has done is a monumental achievement, for one, who else could spend 8 hours a day talking to Sam! But in all seriousness, walking the equivalent of a marathon a day for the last 3 weeks, by yourself, carrying your pack, in some of the worst weather the country has seen, without a map, and for some of it without a phone (muppet), is an incredible thing, and I’d like to say well bloody to done Sam, I never doubted you could do it (honest).

From Tower bridge, Sam strode through the streets of the city of London and up to Moorgate. Now strangely heading North for the first time in 3 weeks (except the little bit when he got lost), and met up with some of his supporters for a spot of lunch.

Tuesday will be Sam’s last main day of walking, when he continues to head north from the City and walks into North London, past White Hart Lane home to Sam’s football team (Tottingham Hotspur!!!) and up to the finish line and the Bramley Road home of Southgate RFC.

If you haven’t sponsored Sam yet, don’t worry, the lines are still open, take all the money you would spend on voting in Big Brother and stick it to a good cause instead, alternatively, come along on Saturday to the Fishmongers Arms in Southgate, for Sam’s welcome home party (beer, bbq, and lots of dancing to “Show me the way to Amarillo” with Sam doing the funny walk thing). Here you will be able to either give money directly to Sam, or bid for some of the items in the charity auction, including: Premiership rugby tickets, signed items including rugby balls, shirts, footballs etc. free gym membership for a year, 3 hours at the City Golf virtual golf course (for 6 people), or 2 return flights on the business class only Silverjet service to New York (wooo I hear you say, and wooo indeed).

Friday 29 June 2007

Day 16

And he is in London, well at least within the M25. Starting from Staines, Sam spends his day walking through west London, home to London Irish, Harlequins and of course, the famous Twickenham, England Rugby HQ.

This is the end of Sam’s 3rd week walking, he has covered over 300 miles and he is within 2 days of the finish now (unless of course we get anymore bids for him to walk extra days, there is still time).

Today was Sam’s shortest walking day of the trip so far, but, possibly one of the best. Today Sam has been invited to spend some time at the London Irish headquarters meeting the players and the coaches, followed by a quick jaunt down through Twickenham to the Stoop to meet the Harlequins. At this point Sam and all of us involved would like to give both clubs our sincere thanks, their support to Sam has been fantastic and coupled with Leicester Tigers and Newcastle Falcons, the collective efforts of some of our senior clubs has helped considerably to raise money for the two charities.

So firstly Sam headed out from Staines, and made haste to The Avenue, and London Irish, (check out the write up on their site:, if you aren’t sure which one is Sam in the photos, he is the small one, and it isn’t often you hear that said about our “pieman”. After watching a great forwards session at Irish and getting them all to sign a ball for the auction, Sam thanked them and headed on down towards Twickers. At the Stoop Sam was again introduced to the players and coaches of Harlequins, including: Paul Volly, Ollie Kohn and Jim Evans (more photos to come – again, where Sam looks very small), here Sam received a signed shirt and tickets for the auction.

Again, a huge thanks to the very kind Premiership rugby clubs who went out of their way to give up their time for Sam. The efforts of Newcastle, Leicester, Irish and Quins has made his walk and inspired him on his way. Unfortunately for Sam, none of them came forward with an offer to play for them, so it looks like he might have to finish the walk after all.

Next week, the Finish! So if you haven’t sponsored him yet, hurry up.

Thursday 28 June 2007

Day 15

"It hurts"

There is something about Thursdays and Sam’s feet, as another one comes and goes and Sam turns a sharp right and heads straight for London. Yippee.

Today takes Sam from Henley into the realm of the Staines Massive and Ali G territory. Dressed to impress (and also to fit in with the locals having learned from his experiences with the man shouting bible verses at him earlier in the week), Sam donned his shell suit and white high tops, and stepped out for another day.

Having spent a considerable amount of time on his meanderings performing a national house price survey, Sam has certainly noticed the fall and rise of property pricing across the country. Unfortunately, as he concentrated hard on keeping his feet over the cobblestones of old Windsor, he failed to notice the dirty great big castle, and missed a fair bit more of this historic town.

With the news that Friday was now going to see him paying a visit to both London Irish and Harlequins, Sam was noticeably lighter on his feet and made great time, and before he knew it he had the M25 insight, if only he could work out how to negotiate past it with out getting lost, or taking a wrong turn on to it.

Having successfully made it into Greater London, Sam finished his day in Staines, ready for tomorrow and his trek through the heartland of English rugby and past HQ.

Wednesday 27 June 2007

Day 14

So close, yet so far!

Day 14 and Sam left Oxford and headed for Henley-upon-Thames (from one really posh place to another!!). Unfortunately, Sam was left struggling with the size of Oxford as he seemed to walk for hours before finally leaving the city behind him.

Sam was really starting to feel the strain of the walking, and coupled with the fact that looking at the map he is now level with the M25 and so, so close to home. But by digging deep, using plenty of talc and fuelled with his Kit Kat Chunky, he walked on.

As the English countryside got more and more beautiful Sam started to get a tingling in his bones as each step took him past manion after mansion and closer to the Thames.

Arriving in Henley, Sam broke into a sprint (well a quick shuffle) down to the river bank, and whipped off his walking shoes to dip them in the famed water of the river Thames. Luckily, he had arrived 10 days early for the regatta and so saved himself any embarrassment in front of the hat wearing, strawberry eating, champagne drinking inhabitants. Having bathed his feet Sam dried them on what he thought was a stripy towel, only to realise it was a Henley Rowing Club blazer – doh!

With only a few more days of walking left Sam is getting more and more excited about getting home, but we still have a few spare days if anyone wants to pledge some money for him to carry on. Have whip round in the office and get him to come and put in an appearance now that he is a star.