Wednesday 27 June 2007

Day 14

So close, yet so far!

Day 14 and Sam left Oxford and headed for Henley-upon-Thames (from one really posh place to another!!). Unfortunately, Sam was left struggling with the size of Oxford as he seemed to walk for hours before finally leaving the city behind him.

Sam was really starting to feel the strain of the walking, and coupled with the fact that looking at the map he is now level with the M25 and so, so close to home. But by digging deep, using plenty of talc and fuelled with his Kit Kat Chunky, he walked on.

As the English countryside got more and more beautiful Sam started to get a tingling in his bones as each step took him past manion after mansion and closer to the Thames.

Arriving in Henley, Sam broke into a sprint (well a quick shuffle) down to the river bank, and whipped off his walking shoes to dip them in the famed water of the river Thames. Luckily, he had arrived 10 days early for the regatta and so saved himself any embarrassment in front of the hat wearing, strawberry eating, champagne drinking inhabitants. Having bathed his feet Sam dried them on what he thought was a stripy towel, only to realise it was a Henley Rowing Club blazer – doh!

With only a few more days of walking left Sam is getting more and more excited about getting home, but we still have a few spare days if anyone wants to pledge some money for him to carry on. Have whip round in the office and get him to come and put in an appearance now that he is a star.

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