Thursday 21 June 2007

Day 10

Sam headed back to Wellford Road for his 9:15 appointment, where he was kindly taken to Oadby and the Tigers training ground. Leicester Tigers had been very supportive of Sam’s efforts, and were only too happy to help out where possible, including an introduction to some of the greats of the game.

Sam was introduced to Paul Burke (the new fly half signing), Richard Cockerill (Forwards Coach and ex Leicester and England hooker), and Neil Back (Technical Director, Leicester and England blindside flanker and all around god of the back row and all things unseen at the ruck). Sam chatted with some of his idols whilst watching the Leicester team being put through their paces. Impressed with the session, and keen to get involved Sam asked if he could have a quick run out and asked if anyone fancied “taking him on”, but was unfortunately told (in a Dutch accent) “you are tooo shmall for this team”.

However, Sam did get Richard Cockerill on his side regarding the rest of his route back to London, and Sam is now citing Richard in all conversations regarding his route, especially the bit about not going to Gloucester because it’s a long way and they were less than interested in helping!

Sam, and all of us involved in his walk would like to thank Leicester Tigers for their time, help and generosity, it is everything that is still great about the people who play the game of rugby.

Even though Sam wanted to sit and watch the whole training session, he needed to get on, and so thanking the Tigers and with his camera bursting with photos, he headed back to Welford Road, and began his days walk to Nuneaton (locally referred to as Sunny Nunny) in excellent spirits.

After 10 days and over 200 miles, Sam’s efforts have raised much awareness and the sponsorship keeps coming in (but not fast enough, so if you haven’t yet, then give him some money, click the links on this site to give, remember to do the gift aid so that the Government pay as well, it costs you no more).

Sam has made great time, and is currently shaping up to actually get home early, I am therefore suggesting that I will take “bids” for extra days. If you would like to see Sam spend another day on the road, then let me know (, and pledge an amount to one of the charities, and let’s see if we can’t keep him going!!!

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