Wednesday 13 June 2007

Day 4

Having finally got a room and some cash on Tuesday night, Sam was able to start Day 4 with a proper breakfast to set him on his way. As well as a decent meal, Sam also purchased a map, following a number of comments regarding his attempt to navigate the length of the country using only his in built sense of direction (for those of you that have played rugby with Sam you will appreciate that he struggles to navigate the length of a rugby pitch never mind 300 miles!), so with map in hand he set off on what was going to be his hardest day so far, with a straight 25 mile yomp alongside the A1.

Motivated by the success he has had so far, and all the positive comments he has received from the growing number of people all across the globe who are following his progress, Sam donned his Hi-Vis vest and set off. On all the mapping systems it clearly states that this section of the A1 is acceptable to walk on as it is not considered a motorway, however, having walked about 14 miles down the road the North Yorkshire Police pulled up by the side of him, once he ran out of breath from running away from them, they asked “what you doing sonny? You know it’s very dangerous!”, but they were very understanding and after Sam kindly refused the lift that they offered him stating that he only had to get to the next junction, Sam continued his walk. Sam would like thank the North Yorkshire Police for their understanding.

Unfortunately, even with his newly purchased map, he had missed judged which exit he was at and had come off the A1 a junction early, accounting for the slight kink in his route to Ripon!

Undeterred the gallant front row continued to hot foot it to Ripon to remain ahead of schedule.

If you haven’t donated yet, then please use the links to his “click to give” sites, and if you have donated, then donate some more, as the enormity of what Sam is undertaking becomes clearer to us all (but luckily not him!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't know if this will work I am no good at computers, not like my son Michael ! Following your progress, money on its way by snailmail !!! Good Luck Regards Iris Bundle