Tuesday 19 June 2007

Day 8

Market Warsop to Nottingham, just a quick 20 miles for Sam today, who is still easing back into the walking after his weekend off. With the chafing improving over the weekend, Sam unfortunately reignited the fire between his legs with Mondays first day back in the saddle, so having applied ample amounts of Vaseline, he set off on his way.

Monday night was Sam’s last staying with his friend Simon in Doncaster. Sam would like to thank Simon for his great hospitality and for ferrying him to and from his start and end points each day, this has proved to be hugely valuable for Sam, especially with the weather, and allowed Sam to have a target for each day, but the knowledge that he didn’t actually have to walk to his bed each night. Also, access to a computer has allowed Sam to catch up with everybody’s comments and well wishes, including those coming from as far as New Zealand.

His walk today was fairly uneventful, it was dry, it was straight forward (no getting lost), and he didn’t meet any “locals”, obviously blending in better with the local community in his green tights. He is also back in contact with the real world, having finally got his phone reconnected, apparently once connected it took 10 minutes to download all the text messages with the word “muppet” in them.

Due to Sam staying in the same place each night he has felt as if he was no longer making the progress that he was to begin with, this is of course not true, and checking out the map shows just how fantastically well he is doing. In fact, because he is doing so well, we are now looking to change his route, and send him elsewhere to fill the time in before he gets back for his party. Suggestions so far that have been put forward include: Go back up to Newcastle, Carry on to Brighton (not sure of the significance here) and, France! All very good ideas in there own right, but if any one has any others please let us know, current favourite is to take Sam out West, and tour as many clubs as possible, Gloucester, Wasps, London Irish, Twickenham, Quins and Sarries on his way home to the Mighty Gate.


Dobbo said...

How about using Forest Gump as an example. When he reaches the sea, turn him round and let him walk until he reaches the sea again. This simplifies the thought processes and negates the need for a map !

Racing Rita said...

Hey Sam!
Great to hear that you are doing so well on the walk... all the best - Niels and Jen